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Capricorn Horoscope

Dec 22 - Jan 19

Saturday, July 27, 2024

You might feel a pull towards making a spontaneous purchase. However, caution is your friend here. This desire may quickly wane, leaving you with buyer's remorse for something that momentarily sparkled but lost its lustre all too fast. Before you commit your hard-earned cash, pause and ponder whether this urge is truly a need or just a fleeting fancy. Why not sleep on it!
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Capricorn facts & traits

Dec 22 - Jan 19
Leaf icon to signify earth qualityElement: Earth
Negative icon to show negative polarityPolarity:Negative
Cardinal icon to show cardinal modalityMode:Cardinal
Planet icon to signify ruling planet as SaturnRuling Planet: Saturn
House icon to signify ruling house as TenthRuling House: Tenth
Symbol icon to signify symbol as GoatSymbol: Goat
Color wheel icon to signify color as GrayColor: Gray
Flower icon to signify flower as PansyFlower: Pansy
Silohuette icon to signify qualities as Ambitious, realistic, sensitive, disciplinedQualities: Ambitious, realistic, sensitive, disciplined
Star icon to signify celebrities as Michelle Obama, Kate Middleton, Regina KingCelebrities: Michelle Obama, Kate Middleton, Regina King
Briefcase icon to signify careers as Architect, engineer, real estate agentCareers: Architect, engineer, real estate agent

More about Capricorn
You are a Capricorn. You are remarkably detail-oriented and quite ambitious. You often put a lot of pressure on yourself to succeed beyond expectations, but this helps you create extraordinary pieces of work. You take a strong sense of responsibility for your actions, which makes people feel comfortable giving you constructive criticism. Your firm practicality allows you to avoid making poor, near-sighted decisions that many others fall victim to.
The symbol of the goat signifies the stubbornness you have for finishing something that you’ve started, while the element of earth signifies your ability to ground yourself when your patience is severely tested. Your aim for perfection drives your success, but remember that things will not always go exactly how you want them to – and that’s ok!

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