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Cancer Horoscope

Jun 21 - Jul 22

Saturday, July 27, 2024

There's one big opportunity Cancer, as the New Moon in your sign on the 5th, celebrates the brilliance of your ruler. Yes, you've got it, the Moon. But this is impacted by the Nodal Axis, and in setting your intentions for the month, perhaps even the year ahead, it may be that something that's pulling you, almost mystically towards a new prospect, has to feel truly right, and particularly around worldly ambitions. This is also a month when you could clash with someone over a financial matter, when their view and yours, are in stark contrast. If so, do stand your ground for what you believe in.
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Cancer facts & traits

Jun 21 - Jul 22
Water icon to signify water qualityElement: Water
Negative icon to show negative polarityPolarity:Negative
Cardinal icon to show cardinal modalityMode:Cardinal
Planet icon to signify ruling planet as MoonRuling Planet: Moon
House icon to signify ruling house as FourthRuling House: Fourth
Symbol icon to signify symbol as CrabSymbol: Crab
Color wheel icon to signify color as VioletColor: Violet
Flower icon to signify flower as White RoseFlower: White Rose
Silohuette icon to signify qualities as Emotional, loyal, moody, charmingQualities: Emotional, loyal, moody, charming
Star icon to signify celebrities as Ariana Grande, Khloe Kardashian, Solange KnowlesCelebrities: Ariana Grande, Khloe Kardashian, Solange Knowles
Briefcase icon to signify careers as Doctor, social worker, nannyCareers: Doctor, social worker, nanny

More about Cancer
You are a Cancer. You are incredibly in-tune with your emotions; highly intuitive, but seldom impulsive. You are sometimes slow to open up, but you give all of yourself once you do. You have an innate sense for when a loved one is struggling with something and are usually the first one they go to during tough times because of this. You often let your mind wander and find success when letting those thoughts drive your inner creativity.
The symbol of the crab signifies the emotional shell you build to try to keep people from hurting you, while the element of water symbolizes the ease with which you allow your emotions to guide your actions. While your sensitive nature can cause you to hold on to past conflicts, it also allows you to live with passion and purpose.

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