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Libra Horoscope

Sep 23 - Oct 22

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Shoot for the proverbial stars, Libra! Believe you have all the gifts, talents and abilities to make it all the way to the top, and the New Moon will help you to showcase all that is brilliant about you. But it's not just going to be this that drives you on this month, for your ability to network, forge important connections and work collaboratively, will be very important too. With Mars forging a stunning angle to Pluto and the Sun in the last phase of July, rarely will you have felt as supported and appreciated. And delightfully, you can feel more adventurous and in the mood to experiment.
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Seeking to know more?  Check out Libra facts & traits below

Libra facts & traits

Sep 23 - Oct 22
Cloud icon to signify wind qualityElement: Air
Positive icon to show positive polarityPolarity:Positive
Cardinal icon to show cardinal modalityMode:Cardinal
Planet icon to signify ruling planet as VenusRuling Planet: Venus
House icon to signify ruling house as SeventhRuling House: Seventh
Symbol icon to signify symbol as ScalesSymbol: Scales
Color wheel icon to signify color as BlueColor: Blue
Flower icon to signify flower as RoseFlower: Rose
Silohuette icon to signify qualities as Cleverness, aesthetic, self-indulgence, good listenerQualities: Cleverness, aesthetic, self-indulgence, good listener
Star icon to signify celebrities as Serena Williams, Bella Hadid, Kim Kardashian WestCelebrities: Serena Williams, Bella Hadid, Kim Kardashian West
Briefcase icon to signify careers as Lawyer, guidance counselor, wedding plannerCareers: Lawyer, guidance counselor, wedding planner

More about Libra
You are a Libra. You have an admirable tact and open-mindedness that allows you to build strong relationships with vastly different people. You sometimes have difficulty staying focused on one task at a time, but this lets you work on projects that connect multiple complex ideas. Your intelligence and quick-wit lend well to a good sense of humor, which often comes out when meeting new people. Although you tend to focus on learning more about those around you, it is important for you to first determine the attributes that make you unique.
The symbol of the scale signifies your desire to successfully find balance in your life, while the element of air symbolizes your inclination to drift between tasks and ideas. Despite a reputation for sometimes being aloof, your ability to empathize with the people closest to you is ultimately what they appreciate most about you.

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